Instructions for Authors

ORAL presentations
Firstly, let me stress that PHYSMOD is a workshop. Therefore your presentations should contain not only marvelous results but also inventive methods how to reach them. Inventive methods that are not useful to reach any results are of special interest. Don't be afraid to show your weak spots, nobody will laugh at you, and somebody may actually help you.

ON-SITE presentations
All oral presentations will last 20 minutes (15 minutes for presentation and 5 minutes for discussion). The presentation will be uploaded to the presentation notebook. MS Office Powerpoint or pdf files will be accepted. The presenters should upload their presentation at least during the break before their session. We ask the speakers and the chairman of the first session to come latest at 8:30 on the first day.

ONLINE presentations
Online presenters will present with a shared screen. All online presenters are requested to send their presentations to conference organizers ( latest on Sunday, 28 August. The presentation will be stored and used only if connection problems appear.

POSTER presentations
The poster presenters are asked to send one slide with the poster highlights prior to the conference, latest on Sunday, 28 August. We will make one presentation out of all poster slides and the authors will introduce themselves and their posters during the poster presentation slot at the end of Session 2. The tables for the posters will be located at the rear of the lecture hall.


Short abstracts (maximum 200 words) should be uploaded via the registration system till May 15, 2022. Please use this template:

icon_docxAbstract template

Extended Abstracts

Extended abstracts (2-10 pages) should be uploaded via the registration system till June 23, 2022. Please use the same template as for short abstracts. Extended abstracts will be collected and distributed among the workshop participants as a .pdf file. Accepted formats: .doc, .docx, .pdf.


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