International Workshop on Physical Modelling of Flow and Dispersion Phenomena

29 - 31 August 2022, Prague, Czech Republic
Updated August 25, 2022
Registration is still open but only for online attendance without contributions. Only the registered participants can join the online stream.

  The workshop program is now available. PHYSMOD 2022 program

We are very glad that after two and half years of very limited opportunities for onsite scientific meetings we can hold PHYSMOD 2022 in Prague at the Institute of Thermomechanics of the Czech Academy of Sciences. There are still limitations for some regions, so we decided to organize a hybrid meeting with a majority of participants on-site and a minority online. The workshop consists of 43 oral and 3 poster contributions, 11 talks will be given by remote speakers. We have very strong student representation – 18 presentations will be given by students. Altogether 73 participants have registered.

The objective of PHYSMOD is to bring together the community active in physical and numerical modeling of flow and dispersion processes occurring in the lowest part of the atmosphere using wind tunnels, water channels, or CFD models. The history of the biennial workshop starts in 1999 here in Prague and attracts a growing number of experts, scientists, and students active in the field.

PHYSMOD provides a forum where the most recent advances in fluid modeling, state-of-the-art in experimental work, and newly emerging research areas are discussed in an open-minded and friendly atmosphere. One of the main purposes is to encourage broader collaboration between researchers and transfer knowledge between the laboratories as well as generations. We will be very happy to welcome students who present their work and incorporate them into our community.

We invite and welcome contributions from all areas of atmospheric flow modeling and dispersion processes to share valuable experiences. Sessions include but do not limit to the following topics:

  • Atmospheric boundary layer
  • Flow and dispersion in urban areas
  • Transient properties of dispersion processes
  • Validation of numerical and analytical models
  • A synergy of physical modeling and field measurements
  • Quality assurance and improvement of experimental techniques
  • OOP - Obnoxious Operational Problems



COVID-19 measures:

Respirators must be worn indoors only in hospitals, pharmacies, and social services in the Czech Republic. It is not mandatory to wear a face mask on any public transport.

As of 9th April 2022, the protective measures regarding the conditions of entry into the Czech Republic in relation to the epidemic of covid-19 have been suspended. Entry into the Czech Republic is no longer subject to any special epidemiological conditions to prevent the spread of the disease. The up-to-date information can be found at


Instructions for Authors

ORAL presentations
Firstly, let me stress that PHYSMOD is a workshop. Therefore your presentations should contain not only marvelous results but also inventive methods how to reach them. Inventive methods that are not useful to reach any results are of special interest. Don't be afraid to show your weak spots, nobody will laugh at you, and somebody may actually help you.

ON-SITE presentations
All oral presentations will last 20 minutes (15 minutes for presentation and 5 minutes for discussion). The presentation will be uploaded to the presentation notebook. MS Office Powerpoint or pdf files will be accepted. The presenters should upload their presentation at least during the break before their session. We ask the speakers and the chairman of the first session to come latest at 8:30 on the first day.

ONLINE presentations
Online presenters will present with a shared screen. All online presenters are requested to send their presentations to conference organizers ( latest on Sunday, 28 August. The presentation will be stored and used only if connection problems appear.

POSTER presentations
The poster presenters are asked to send one slide with the poster highlights prior to the conference, latest on Sunday, 28 August. We will make one presentation out of all poster slides and the authors will introduce themselves and their posters during the poster presentation slot at the end of Session 2. The tables for the posters will be located at the rear of the lecture hall.


Social events

DINNER on Monday
Dinner on Monday evening will be on the boat named Hamburg (what a coincidence!) The boat leaves at 19:00 near the city center (Piers Čechův most, pier 10, tram station Právnická fakulta). There will be an organized departure from the venue (ticket for the public transportation needed - single ticket for 30 CZK or any valid ticket) or you can come directly to the pier.

DINNER on Tuesday
Dinner on Tuesday evening will be part of our bus tour to the laboratory in Nový Knín. The bus departs at 14:45 from the venue and we will be back at about 22:30.


Get in touch

You can follow the Physmod Facebook page to get the latest information and to connect with other Physmod participants.

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